Here are some useful tips for working with the Meeting Minutes.

Sections shortcuts

On the right side you see the Section start times and headings. If you click on the times (in orange) then the content on the right side will scroll to the selected time.

  • If you are in the Overview view then it will scroll to the selected section.
  • If you are in the Transcript view then it will scroll to the given time in transcript, and it will highlight the word at that time.

Playback and Transcript Links

If you hover over a sentence in the Overview or Key Items view you will see two icons pop up.  

  • One is a playback icon, which when clicked will start audio playback from 2 sec before the start of the sentence. 
  • The other is a link to transcript, if you click on it, the view will switch to the transcript at the given location. After viewing the Transcript you can click the Overview (or Key Items whichever appropriate) icon, which will take you back to where you were.


If you are in the Key Items view and you hover on a sentence, at the end of sentence you will see a (i) icon pop up. Whne you click on it you will see a justification for why this sentence was selected as a Key Item.

Below you see a justification for a Key Item that was matched using an AI Match. 

If you think that the match is wrong, you can adjust the Match sensitivity in the Key Items under the Project Settings, see: Meeting Minutes - Configuration.