The Meeting Minutes feature automatically creates a summary/overview of what happened in the meeting. The generated Meeting Minutes data contains:

  • Overview - consists of multiple sections, each section containing
    • Headline summary - a sentence summarizing the sections
    • Topics/Keywords from the section
    • Key sentences containing the above topics
    • Key items from this section (see below for key items)
  • Key Items - sentences in these 6 categories selected from the transcript (Future releases will add additional categories)
    • Actions - actions to be taken - specific things that need to be done
    • Issues - issues discussed - challenging events that have already occurred
    • Risks - risks mentioned - risks is something that may impact (generally negatively) the project in the future.
    • Requirements - statements of desired state - requirements eventually lead to actions
    • Positives - general positive statements, like: goals accomplished, satisfied customers, deadlines met, etc.
    • Agenda - statements related to the progress of the meeting.

Meeting Minutes need to be enabled per Project, see below:

If transcript is long enough to generate Meeting Minutes, you will see them when you open the Transcript.

Here is the Overview:

If you click on the icon below (left hand side menu) you will get Key items:

An the icon under that will bring the standard transcript view. Note that on the right hand side you have the summary - when you click on the time under Summary it will take you to the given section of the transcript.