After a normal Kubernetes deployment of the Voicegain platform on-prem, the link to your Edge Transcribe App will be something like this (assuming an SSL certificate was deployed on Edge):

Because the https traffic into Voicegain deployment is over a NodePort, the exposed port has to be in the range 30000-32767. This is not an issue with the Cloud Kubernetes, e.g. AWS EKS, because in the Cloud you have a Loadbalancer available, e.g. AWS ELB, to map incoming traffic on any port to the port exposed by NodePort.

On Edge deployment, however, you either have to use the URL with the non-standard port from the 30000+ range or you can front the service with your own Loadbalancer or, as suggested here, with an reverse HTTP proxy, e.g. Apache httpd (mod_proxy) or Nginx.

The setup

Here is a simple diagram of a possible setup:

In this scenario, the End User can simply type into their browser URL window. The request will be sent over https to the reverse proxy listening on port 443. Note that the proxy will need an SSL certificate for The proxy maps the host and port and forwards the request to the Voicegain server listening at In this scenario, the forwarded request is also over https because some of the requests involve authentication and we do not want that information to travel unencrypted. This means that Voicegain nginx will also need an SSL certificate.


Only a scenario which includes a single-node Kubernetes is presented here.