Users can use the Project Settings to format the transcript.
1. In order to access the Project Settings, first click on Settings on the left menu as shown in the image below
2. You will see the "General Project Settings Screen" where you can rename the Project and select a Color Theme. Note- If the Delete project button is disabled, it maybe because this is the only Project.
3. You can select the Language for Transcription here. Default is American English. We also support Spanish and German with new languages being added. Portuguese, Korean, Hindi are in Alpha and will be added soon.
4. You can then select the entities that you want to highlight in your transcript. Voicegain Transcribe supports 20 entities - like Name, Phone Number, Date, Address, etc that can be marked/highlighted in the transcript. You will see a screen like the one shown below where you can select the entities that you want highlighted.
5. Next, you can select Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to be masked/redacted in the transcript. You can select the entities that you want to mask/redact and also you can actually enter what you want the text replaced with.
6. You can exit the Project Settings by clicking on the "Back Arrow" button on the left menu.